Did you know that some five million affluent investors use social media to research financial decisions, and almost three times as many of those choose LinkedIn over Facebook, Twitter and Google+ combined?
73 percent of investors use LinkedIn for financial analysis, ahead of topic-specific discussion boards (53 percent). Facebook, Google+ and Twitter account for just 26 percent of investor attention.
Investors stated that what they want most from social media is relevant and timely content, greater transparency and real-time interaction and conversation.
The survey, which was – surprise, surprise – conducted by LinkedIn, found that LinkedIn members were 23 percent more likely to have IRA accounts, 32 percent more likely to have a 401(k) and 40 percent more likely to invest in mutual funds.
Investors were also 157 percent more likely to trust articles shared on LinkedIn than on any other platform.
Source: https://www.mediabistro.com/alltwitter/social-investors_b25778