Pioneering Angel Investment: A Conversation with AIN co-founders James Badgett and Mike Lebus

Twenty years ago two childhood friends, with a shared passion for entrepreneurship, embarked on a journey to revolutionise the startup funding landscape. Recognising the challenges faced by founders in securing angel investment, they created a platform that would bridge the gap between entrepreneurs and investors. Angel Investment Network was born, offering a streamlined solution for fundraising and connecting entrepreneurs with a global network of angel investors.

Now with 40 networks spanning 90 countries it is the world’s largest online angel investment platform. We speak to the co-founders Mike Lebus and James Badgett to get the inside story. read more

Mike Lebus writes for EU Startups on Winning over Angel Investors in a New Landscape

Our co-founder, Mike Lebus, was recently featured in an article in EU Startups, a leading publication for the European startup ecosystem. The article considers the significant shift in the angel investor landscape for 2024, offering valuable insights for startups seeking funding. Lebus referenced a recent survey AIN conducted of investors across our network.

Key Takeaways for Founders
  • Focus on Fundamentals and Impact: Lebus emphasised the move away from inflated valuations based on potential. Investors now prioritise strong fundamentals and a clear path to profitability. Additionally, he highlighted the growing importance of showcasing your venture’s positive social or environmental impact.
  • Craft a Compelling Narrative: As Lebus highlights, simply having a good idea is no longer enough. Craft a compelling narrative that showcases not just your product or service, but also the positive impact it will create.
  • Avoid Common Pitfalls: Overvaluation and inadequate market research are major red flags for today’s cautious investors. Be realistic about your valuation and focus on demonstrating your true potential for growth. Conduct thorough market research to showcase a deep understanding of your target market and industry trends.
  • Build Strong Relationships: Regular communication with potential investors is key to building trust and fostering a long-term partnership.

The full article on EU Startups provides a comprehensive analysis of these trends, along with additional insights and investor wishlist traits. We recommend checking it out for a deeper dive into navigating the new landscape of angel investment. read more

The Motivations of Angel Investors: Insights and Advice for Startups

Understanding what drives angel investors is essential for any startup seeking funding. It’s not just about showcasing your business’s strengths; it’s about stepping into the investor’s shoes. After all, angel investors are more than just financial backers; they bring invaluable expertise, mentorship, and network connections.

This article takes a deep dive into the motivations of prominent investors. What are their priorities? What do you need to know to secure their support?
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Navigating a changed landscape: Investor insights for startup success

The past couple of years have seen a significant shift in the fundraising landscape, with startups navigating a new investor mindset amidst increasingly tough economic circumstances. We conducted a recent survey among investors within our network to gather investor insights on what they seek and, importantly, what they do not, to enhance startup success.

Encouragingly a majority are planning to invest more this year than last highlighting the opportunity for startups. In terms of the present climate, investors are seeking well-capitalised startups with a strong track record. Advice for startups in fundraising includes reducing valuations (49%), planning for longer fundraising periods (44%), and raising smaller rounds (38%).  read more

Meet the Investor: Christian Teichmann

In our latest Meet The Investor interview we speak to Christian Teichmann, Managing Director of Burda Principal Investments. Christian is a venture capitalist driven by curiosity and a daily quest for the “next big thing'” in the competitive world of fundraising.

He talks to AIN about the exciting sectors gaining his interest, the common mistakes founders make, how preparation is key and why startups should raise more capital than they think they need.

Why did you become an investor?

I am a highly curious person and, as a VC investor, I have the opportunity to come across the next big thing every day. It excites me every morning to think about what will succeed, what constitutes a business and what is merely a feature. read more

Meet the Investor: Cristina Bullon Gomez

In our latest Meet the Investor interview, we meet Cristina Bullon Gomez, a seasoned investor with a passion for nurturing and advising startups. She discusses the symbiotic relationship between investors and startups that fuels economic growth, the red flags she watches out for when investing in startups and how startups should tackle fundraising today. Plus her thoughts on why we need societal change to truly democratise the startup ecosystem.

Why did you become an angel investor?

After many years working alongside startups, I recognize the vital role of capital investments. This not only benefits investors in achieving ROI but is equally crucial for startups to foster growth and expansion. This symbiotic relationship is fundamental to any economy, providing markets with new and reliable ideas. read more

Meet the Investor: Ben Legg

In our latest “Meet The Investor” interview, we speak with Ben Legg, an angel investor and startup founder driven by a passion for promising founders and innovative ideas. Ben believes in the long-term benefits of angel investing, from gaining insights into fresh ideas to building wealth for retirement and the “warm, fuzzy feeling” of truly making a difference.

He shares his views on the exciting sectors gaining his interest, offers valuable advice for startups raising in the present climate, and explains why the mentoring power of angel investors is a formidable quality that shouldn’t be overlooked. read more

Meet The Investor: Bryony Marshall

In our latest Meet The Investor interview we speak to experienced angel investor Bryony Marshall. She discusses why the present investing climate is a return to ‘normal’, the common mistakes startups make in their fundraising journey and how to avoid them. Plus the importance of networking and community and why we need to first understand the barriers to diversity in the startup ecosystem before we can look at solutions.

Why did you become an angel investor?

For me, angel investing is a way to directly support innovative ideas and help amazing founders on their mission to change the world. As an angel investor you are usually some of the first funding into a start up, and I am using that opportunity to ensure funding reaches a diverse founders.  read more

Meet the Investor: Conor Sharpe

Last year, we introduced a new content series spotlighting our inspiring and diverse network of investors. All leading the way in their respective fields. 

Fast forward to 2023, a very different climate compared to last year, with its own set of challenges. Founders are navigating through a highly competitive landscape, with investors applying more stringent criteria for precious funding.

Against this backdrop we are pleased to announce the launch of Series 2, as we aim to address these challenges and continue our mission of connecting ambitious entrepreneurs with investors. read more