How To Avoid The Dark Side Of Success – 5 key take outs

In a recent webinar we had a great hour discussing “How To Avoid The Dark Side Of Success” with Dan Kirby, exited Tech founder and the founder of Founders Are Mental (FAM), a coaching community for entrepreneurs. The course helps entrepreneurs define and follow through on the good habits they know they need to do in just a few hours a month.

Here are the top 5 tips:

1) Reality bites â€‹

There is a big difference between the entrepreneurial life you are sold (ie independence and freedom) and the life you end up having (never switching off, tied to the business. read more

Generative AI: Revolutionising industries and investment opportunities

Generative AI, once a niche topic, has rapidly become a global conversation, even being used in a slanging match between rivals in the US Presidential Election. Its promise is to revolutionise industries and reshape the way we interact with technology.

In our latest Sector Focus article, Christian Teichmann, CEO of Burda Principal Investments (BPI), provides insights into what Generative AI means, the reasons behind its surge in interest, the challenges it faces, and the enticing investor opportunity. read more

How founders can manage workplace wellbeing

In this guest post Adah Paris, chair of Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England provides insight into how founders can manage workplace wellbeing.

Whether you are a founder or investor it is vital to think about the mental health and wellbeing of everyone involved, including yourselves. The emotional and physical demands of leading a startup require a laser sharp focus on wellbeing.

At MHFA England®, we know productivity and wellbeing fuel each other. We believe organisations of all shapes and sizes, including startups, can purposefully design wellbeing into their business model. As founders and investors, you have an unrivalled opportunity to ensure inclusion, wellbeing and high performance go hand in hand.  read more